3 Useful Tips for A Job Interview in Japan

Job interviews always make you excited but also nervous, and they take lots of time to prepare for. When it comes to the one conducted in your second (or third) language, like Japanese for most of you, the burden and pressure might double (or triple)! In this article, we’ll try to ease some of them that by offering 3 useful tips for a successful Japanese job interview. Go through each one, and you’ll know exactly what you need to do to make yourself confident and to communicate your true strengths to the company! 


1. Learn Useful phrases at A Job Interview in Japan 

Learn Useful phrases at A Job Interview in Japan 

As you may imagine, one of the unique and essential factors to keep in mind on in a Japanese working environment is “to show respect” as much as possible. Not only to company executives or stakeholders but also to colleagues, Japanese people use “keigo (敬語)”, or literally respectful language at in most official meetings or in e-mails. Although there are many startups nowadays which don’t consider it as important as before, it is safe to learn a basic keigo to use in a job interview. We’ll introduce some useful expressions/sentences that you can copy. 

Yoroshiku onegai shimasu (よろしくお願いします)” 

Yoroshiku onegai shimasuis heard a lot in business situations in Japan. There is not exactly the same phrase in English, but it is often translated into It was a pleasure to meet you” or “It was nice talking to you”. The phrase is used where an official meeting or an a business email begins and ends. 

Shitsurei itashi masu (失礼いたします)” 

Shitsurei itashi masu” should be used when you enter a room, take a seat, or leave a room and close the door. The phrase means something similar to “Excuse me”, but it is not necessarily used in situations where you have something to apologize or annoy someone slightly. 

Sumimasen, mouichido onegai shimasu (すみません、もう一度お願いします)” 

The phrase can be used when you don’t quite understand a question and you want the interviewer to repeat it. “Sumimasen” means “sorry”, “mouichido” means “again”, and “onegai shimasu” means “please”. Rather than giving a pointless answer (because you didn’t understand), you should just say the phrase to make sure about what they are asking. 

Sumimasen, mousukoshi yukkuri onegai shimasu (すみません、もう少しゆっくりお願いします)” 

Similar to the one before, this phrase can also be used when you don’t quite understand the question, especially because of the speed at which the interviewer speaks. Mousukoshi” means “a little more” and “yukkuri” means “slowly”. 

2. Know Manners at A Job Interview in Japan

Know Manners at A Job Interview in JapanSince 2020 (i.e. after the pandemic started), it has been quite popular to conduct a casual chat or talk with an HR person or have the first round of job interviews via video link using Zoom, Google Meet or another similar system, even if you already live in Japan. However, as polite manners remain as important as ever, and it can actually be a huge advantage if you let the interviewer know that you can behave in accordance with Japanese business etiquette. That way, the company will think you are flexible and ready to adapt yourself to Japanese culture, and also eager to learn about new things. 

At the Beginning 

Face to face 

  • Wear a suit or similar formal wear (and a tie if you are a man) and carry your resume or CV printed just in case 
  • Bring a pencil or a pen in case you take notes or are asked to write on something 
  • Arrive at the office 3-5 minutes earlier than the scheduled time (or even slightly earlier – but 30 minutes early would be too much) 
  • Take off your coat and hold it in your arms 
  • When you enter the room, knock three times and say “失礼いたします (Shitsurei itashi masu)” before opening the door 
  • When you enter the room, say your name, thank them for the opportunity to come, and bow:  

E.g., “XXX (your name) と申します。本日はありがとうございます。よろしくお願いいたします。XXX to moushi masu. Honjitsu ha wa arigatou gozaimasu. Yoroshiku onegai itashi masu.” 


  • Still wear a suit (at least a shirt & tie and a jacket) 
  • Enter the online room (via URL) 3-5 minutes early and wait for the interviewer 
  • When you see the face of the interviewer, say your name, thank him / her for the opportunity to meet and bow (see the example sentence mentioned in the face-to-face situation) 

During the Interview 

  • Nods and reactions are expected to show your understanding and positive attitude towards the company’s business and the position (this is called backchanneling and there is a lot of this in Japanese) 
  • If it is face-to-face, keep your posture straight and don’t cross your legs 
  • Don’t hesitate to ask the interviewer to repeat what they say or speak slowly when you can’t catch something (see the 1. Learn Useful phrases at A Job Interview in Japan) 


Face to Face  

  • Express your appreciation again and bow at the end:  

E.g.,本日はありがとうございました Honjitsu wa arigatou gozaimashita.”  

  • Don’t put on your coat until you have left the office 


  • Express your appreciation again and bow at the end (see the sample phrase in the above section) 
  • Make sure you don’t accidentally leave the online meeting room while the interviewer is saying the last word 

3. Prepare for FAQs 

Prepare for FAQs 

There are always typical questions in job interviews, and they are not so different from country to country. Let’s go through the most frequently asked ones in both English and Japanese, and you can prepare your answers in advance. 

About Your History 

Educational Background 

Sample Question 
English Japanese 
What was your major in university/grad school? 大学/大学院では何を専攻していましたか? 

Daigaku/Daigakuin dewa nani wo senkou shite imashita ka? 

What did you study at university/grad school? 大学/大学院では何を研究していましたか? 

Daigaku/Daigakuin dewa nani wo kenkyuu shite imashita ka? 

What made you study abroad to in Japan? なぜ日本に留学したのですか? 

Naze nihon ni ryuugaku shitano desu ka? 

Job History 

Sample Question 
English Japanese 
Why did you join ABC company as a new graduate? 新卒でABC社に入社した理由について教えてください。 

Shinsotsu de ABCsha ni nyuusha shita riyuu ni tsuite oshiete kudasai. 

Why did you leave XYZ, Inc.? XYZ社を退職した理由を教えてください。 

XYZsha wo taishoku shita riyuu wo oshiete kudasai. 

What was your responsibility at XXX company? XXX社でのあなたの業務や役割を教えてください。 

XXXsha deno anata no gyoumu ya yakuwari wo oshiete kudasai. 

 About Your Personality and Experience 

Sample Question 
English Japanese 
What are your strengths and 



Anata no tsuyomi to yowami wo oshiete kudasai. 

What was your best achievement at work so far? これまでの功績をひとつ教えてください。 

Koremade no kouseki wo hitotsu oshiete kudasai. 

Tell us about the most difficult moment and how you coped with the issue. 今までで最も大変だったことと、それをどう克服したのか教えてください。 

Imamade de mottomo taihen datta koto to sore wo dou kokuhuku shita noka oshiete kudasai. 

What kind of work motivates you most? どんな仕事があなたのやる気/モチベーションを上げてくれますか? 

Donna shigoto ga anata no yaruki / mochibeishon wo agete kure masu ka? 

 About the Company / the Position 

Sample Question 
English Japanese 
What do you know about our company? 当社について知っていることを教えてください。 

Tousha ni tsuite shitteiru koto wo oshiete kudasai. 

Why did you apply for this position? このポジションに応募した理由を教えてください。 

Kono pojishon ni oubo shita riyuu wo oshiete kudasai. 

How does your experience match this position? あなたの経験をこのポジションにどう活かせますか? 

Anata no keiken wo kono pojishon ni dou ikase masu ka? 


We have introduced 3 key tips for a successful job interview in Japan including useful phrases, manners and typical questions. We hope you prepare as carefully and thoroughly as possible and we wish you huge success on your career journey! 

This media series provides a wide range of information about the Japanese language and Japanese culture for those who are interested in traveling to or living in Japan. Add us to your reading list and stay tuned! 

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