Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy

(hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has established and complies with a "Social Media Policy" regarding the operation of official social media accounts and the participation of the Company's employees in social media. The "Social Media Policy" consists of "Principles" and "Guidelines," and the "Principles" will be widely disclosed to ensure thorough implementation.

- Definition of Social Media

Social media is a type of information media developed on the Internet that includes social elements such as personal information dissemination, individual communication, and information distribution using human connections. Specifically, it refers to media such as blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., where information is transmitted by individuals and can be viewed and communicated with by an unspecified large number of people.

- Our "Awareness and Responsibility" in Information Dissemination via Social Media

  1. When using social media, our employees (employees, contracted employees, temporary staff) and related parties (employees involved in the operation of our official social media accounts and other related parties) must always be aware that social media is a medium that can be used by an unspecified number of people, and must comply with internal regulations such as the "Rules of Employment" and other established internal rules.
  2. Our employees and related parties shall understand that what they say can have a significant impact not only on themselves but also on the company, and shall behave in a sensible manner as employees of our company.
  3. We will strictly comply with laws and regulations and our social media policy when disseminating information.
  4. We recognize that the information is current at the time of transmission and may change subsequently.
  5. We recognize that appropriate information dissemination and communication not only enhances corporate transparency and maintains good relations with society, but also contributes to fostering a sense of trust, familiarity, and goodwill toward the Company and each individual who uses social media.

- Compliance with Laws and Regulations

It is a type of information media developed on the Internet that includes social elements such as personal information transmission, individual communication, and information distribution using human connections.

  1. Comply with all laws and regulations. In particular, do not infringe on the copyrights or portrait rights of third parties, the honor of third parties through slander, or other rights-infringing acts.
  2. When quoting content, articles, etc. from a third party, the source and the quoted portion must be clearly indicated.

- Information and Requests to All Users

Not all of the information transmitted by the Company (employees) on social media necessarily represents the Company's official announcements and views. Please be aware of this. Official announcements are made on our website and in news releases.

Information on social media is current at the time of transmission and is subject to change. Please be aware that the information is subject to change.

About our Security PolicyPlease refer to Security Policy

Experience Quality Learning.

Appy for Free Counseling.

Experts at NihongoDo will conduct interview regarding the concerns and goals of learning Japanese.
We'll suggest a study method that suits you.

NihongoDO provides Free Counseling with
98% satisfied.

Before considering NihongoDO, why don't you first get Free Counseling from a Japanese language acquisition specialist?

Please refer to the learning methods proposed by Japanese language acquisition experts for future Japanese language learning and Japanese language school selection.

If you really want to learn Japanese, please try NihongoDO's Free Counseling.

A Japanese language acquisition specialist will suggest the best way to achieve your goal.

※Results of questionnaire of 52 participants to be conducted in September 2021 Free Counseling
※Results of all schools operated by Trion using the same method as NihongoDO

※Results of questionnaire of 52 participants to be conducted in September 2021 Free Counseling
※Results of all schools operated by Trion using the same method as NihongoDO

  • Asking

    We will ask you about your concerns about learning Japanese, your goals for learning Japanese, and your current Japanese ability.

  • Explains learning methods

    Based on the theory of second language acquisition, we will explain the mechanism by which you can speak Japanese.

  • Propose a study plan

    We suggest the best study plan to meet your goals, challenges, and current Japanese language skills.

  • Introduction of learning materials

    Here are some of the Japanese language materials that NihongoDO mainly uses that suit you.

Flow until the start of the course

Free Counseling from NihongoDO is available online.
You can easily make a reservation in three steps.

Counseling Flow Step 1

01 Apply for Free Counseling

click here Please apply for a free Counseling first.


02 Join via link.

Please participate in counseling from the URL sent after booking the free counseling.


03 Conseling

A Japanese language acquisition specialist will put together the best study plan for you.Based on the plan, please consider whether to study at NihongoDO.