NihongoDO's learning results are immediate
because it is not easy.

You can speak Japanese in a short period of time
because it is not easy.

The contents of NihongoDO's study are completely custom-made. We offer you a "thoroughly practical" Japanese language program optimized for you. You will study Japanese for 3 hours a day, which is about 1,000 hours a year. In addition, our Japanese consultants and coaches, who are experts in Japanese language acquisition, will not let you down with their daily support.

You can feel the results immediately after having completed the learning course. Since students can realize the results immediately, NihongoDO's retention rate is 91.7%.

Please come to NihongoDO if you really want to learn Japanese.

(※)There are individual differences in learning outcomes.

You will get consultation
by experts in Japanese language learning.



NihongoDO has created a new learning style of studying Japanese with experts.

Up until now, the inefficient methods of learning Japanese have been mainstream, such as 「learning at schools」「studying abroad」「going to Japanese schools」, where students spend years learning the language. 

However, it does not take that much time to learn Japanese if you learn it the right way.

At NihongoDO, you will be consulted by an exclusive consultant who has both high Japanese and coaching skills. You can achieve results in a short period of time by learning Japanese correctly and efficiently.


Your language goals are different from anyone else's.
Have your own Japanese language study plan.

The Japanese language study plan you need is different from others'.
An exlusive consultant will build your own study plan with full customization. We will offer you the best way to learn Japanese.


Customized Japanese learning materials will be used  to meet your goals.

NihongoDO also has customized language learning materials. We will select the most suitable mateirals for you from the huge amount of materials available on the market. 

Of course, NihongoDO also customizes Japanese language materials.

We can pinpont your needs because we don't use the same "original materials" or "original apps" as anyone else.


Daily learning support will be provided through the PDCA Cycle.
We will never let you get lost.

Creating a study plan is not the end of our learning course.
NihongoDO's exlusive consultatns will keep track of your learning progress and coordiate to improve your learning plan through daily contact by e-mails and one-on-one progress check meetings. The PDCA cycle below will help you achieve your goal without falling into inefficient learning.

  • Plan

    Learning Plan

    Build the right study plan through consultation.

  • Do


    Receive feedback to daily study reports.

  • Check


    Check your results through Japanese Language Test "PROGOS".

  • Adjust


    Have one-on-one meetings to improve learning plan.

  • Goal

    Achive Your Goal



Many people don't have enough time to study.



It is said that it takes 2,200 hours for English speakers to learn Japanese.

A study by the FSI, an agency affiliated with the U.S. Department of State, found out that it takes 2,200 hours for Japanese speakers to completely master Japanese. 

Different languages require different study times; however, many people lack study time. 

NihongoDO&s study time is

3 Hours Per Day

At NihongoDO, you will study 3 hours a day specializing in Japanese.
Therefore you will be able to speak Japanese in a short period of time.

  • Private lessons
    3 times a week

    One-on-one lessons from exclusive Japanese coaches optimized for your goals and Japanese language skills

  • Lesson Preparation
    3 times a week

    NihongoDO's lessons have pre-determined topics and students are always required to prepare for the lesson in advance.

  • Vocabulary/Phrase
    6 times a week

    You will throughly memorize Japanese vocabulary and phrases used in real conversations.

  • Listening
    6 times a week

    Focusing on shadowing listening learning method, you will be able to understand the conversation of real native speakers, 

  • Speaking
    6 times a week

    You can immediately speak various Japanese phrases through the speaking learning method focusing on learning instant Japanese language composition.

  • Grammar
    6 times a week

    You will learn grammar up to the Japanese elementary school level, which is necessary for conversational Japanese.


professor emeritus at Utah State University

Prof. M. David

After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, he has been studying the theory of instructional design for more than 50 years.a world-class authority that compiles the architectural design. It is known for "Meryl's First Principle."


Active as an interpreter at international conferences and NHK broadcasts

Dr. Ryuko Shinzaki

Graduated from Kobe University's Faculty of Literature.She completed her Ph.D. program at Aoyama Gakuin University Graduate School of International Political Economics.Doctor of International Communications.Research fields include cross-cultural communication and interpretation.After working as an English teacher at a public high school, she worked as an interpreter at international conferences and NHK broadcasting.


Kansai Gakuin University Graduate School
Professor of Language Communication and Culture

Prof. Shuhei Kadota

Professor of Law at Kansai Gakuin University and Professor of Language Communication and Culture at Kansai Gakuin University Graduate School. Ph.D. Specialties include Psycholinguistics, Applied Linguistics, and Second Language Acquisition.He published many books that applied his research results to learning English.

second language acquisition
supervises the program.

At NihongoDO, we hired a second language acquisition expert as a partner and High-quality learning programs based on theoretical methods.

I memorized more than 6,000 words.
But why can't I understand Japanese?

You should be able to have basic conversation in Japanese if you memorized 6,000 words. Nonetheless, if you can't understand Japanese, the reason is that you cannot relate sound to the meaning.

You can understand the live Japanese language of native speakiers since NihongoDO focuses on linking sounds and meanings.


Your brain's processing ability stops you from speaking Japanese fluently.
You can speak Japanse with the right training.

Japanese people use about 800 to 900 words in a day. You should be able to have a conversation with simeple words that are elementary school level; however, processing capacity of your brain makes it difficult to speak Japanese. Your brain is confused and that is why Japanese language is not automatic in your mind.

For example, many people can say "konnichiwa" immediately but cannot say "I don't like these scissors, so I will buy the ones over there" instantaneously. NihongoDO thoroughly automates various Japanese phrases down to the "konnichiwa" level. This will allow you to speak Japanese smoothly.


Lessons will be conducted by an exlusive coach.
Experience NihongoDO's different lessons.

At NihongoDO, exlusive Japanese coaches will be in charge of lessons.
Studying together with our exclusvie coach, we can understand your goals, Japanese language skills and points to be addressed and customize lesson content appropriately, including discussion, presentation, speech, etc. Therefore, you will acquire the practical Japanese language skills you really need.

Retention rate of

※Percentage of students who started taking the course between July 2018 and January 2021 and who did not withdraw.
※Performance of schools opearated by Tryon using the same methods as NihongoDO.


NihongoDO has a method that does not fail.

Even if there is an excellent learning method, it is meaningless if you give up halfway through. We have developed a variety of Japanese coaching methos to prevent frustration in learning. 9.17% of our students continue with the study program for one year.

Reliable Performance

Since the establishment of our coaching school, a completely new style of learning,we have been highly regarded by many business people. 


「I'm glad I started.」

※Results of a satisfaction survey of 997 students conducted in October 2022
※Achievement of all schools run by Tryon using the same method as NihongoDO

1 on 1 Meeting Satisfaction

※1,050 December 2022 interviews, 5-step assessment
※*Results of all schools operated by Tryon using the same method as NihongoDO

Lesson Satisfaction

※Five-step evaluation of 5,779 lessons in December 2022
※Achievement of all schools run by Tryon using the same method as NihongoDO

Number of Students

※As of January 2023
※Achievement of all schools run by Tryon using the same method as NihongoDO

Percentage of Business people

※For all students through January 2023
※Achievement of all schools run by Tryon using the same method as NihongoDO

Commitment to Quality Control

NihongoDO has introduced a real-time performance evaluation system in which all Japanese lessons and meetings are rated on a 5-point scale by students. In the unlikely event of a low evaluation, we will immediately share it with our coaches and consultatns and work to improve our services. 


Get a high reputation

※As of December 2022
※Learning outcomes vary from person to person.
※Tryon's school performance using the same method as NihongoDO

All the programs you need to speak Japanese.
Click to view details of each program.

Coaching Staff

NihongoDO provides you double support with exclusive consultant and coach. We will provide you with an appropriate study program that is tailored to your goals, Japanese language ability and progress since we are exclusive to you.

Consultant 1 exclusive staff (Japanese)
NihongoDO provides you with an exclusive Japanese consultant who is an expert in Japanese language learning. We will build the best study plan for you, manage your daily study and give you advice.
Coach 1~3 exclusive staff (Japanese)
NihongoDO offers one-on-one lessons with an exlusive Japanese coach. (There may be more than one coahc depending on your schedule.)

The ability to construct an appropriate study plan will determine the success or failure of your subsequent Japanese language study. At NihongoDO, we will create a study plan that is best suited for you through consulting at each milestone.

The Initial Consultation Once
NihongoDO offers a consulting service at the time of enrollment. Based on your Japanese language ability, learning aptitute and goals for Japanse language study, we will establish a study plan that is best suited for you. We will proceed with your Japanese language study for one year according to the study plan decided at this point.
The Interim Consultation Once
NihongoDO conducts an interim consultation in the sixth month after the start of the course. Based on your progress to date, we will review your goals, course materials, and study content and revise your study plan. This will allow students to continue learning efficiently as their circumstances change.
Japanese Output

You cannot speak Japanese only by inputting Japanese knowledge. At NihongoDO, you can increase your Japanese knowledge of a real-world ability by actually interacting with Japanese people using the Japanese you have inputted.

Private Lesson(25 minutes 3 times a week
NihongoDO offers one-on-one lessons with a Japanese coach. The content of lesson will be optimized for your goals whether it is a speech, role-playing or a discussion on your area of expertise.
Japanese Language Related Events Irregular
NihongoDO holds free talk parties, debate competitions, game tournaments and other events using the Japanese language from time to time. You will find new insights by having conversation with different coaches and other students.
Input of Japanese Language Knowledge

Speaking Japanese in lessons itself will not improve your Japanese language skills. It is also essential to input new Japanese knowledge. The right balance between input and output is the key to learning Japanese.

Speaking 6 days a week
You need to automate Japanese phrases to speak Japanese. NihongoDO will greatly improve your speaking skills by automating instant Japanese compositions and phrases necessary to achieve your goals.
Listening 6 days a week
You need to connect the meaing of Japanese words with their sounds in order to listen to Japanese. NihongoDO helps you achieve this through thorough shadowing study. You will be able to hear and understand the meaning of Japanese words by linking the meaning to the sound.
Grammar 6 days a week
Grammar is very important for speaking Japanese; however, understaning Japanese elementary school-level grammar is sufficient. NihongoDO provides a thorough grammar study to the extent necessary.
Vocabulary 6 days a week
The number of words needed to speak Japanese ranges from 1,500 to 6,000. (※It depends on your goal of learning Japanese.) At NihongoDO, you will memorize as many words as you need to meet your goals.
Lesson Preparation 3 times a week
At NihongoDO, each of the three weekly lessons has a predetermined topic and students are always required to prepare for the lesson. You will be able to concentrate on speaking Japanese in the lesson by preparing details such as what you will say, how your partner will respond and how you will answer to the response. your rebuttal to the response.
Japanese Langugae Study Seminar Irregular
At NihongoDO, we hold seminars where you can learn Japanese knowledge that cannot be covered by regular lessons or study, such as pronunciation, various tips for Japanese language tests and discussions of successful Japanese learners.
Japanese Language Study Support

You may go in the wrong direction from hesitation or assumption if you study alone. At NihongoDO, an exclusvie consultant will help you keep track of your learning progress and move forward to the right direction every day.

Daily Study Management Everyday
At NihongoDO, students are required to submit their study reports every day. Exclusive consultants will understand your daily study and manage it appropriately. In addition, they will give you feedback each time if you have any questions about the content or method of study. Therefore, you can always proceed with the study without hesitation.
Progress Chec Once every other week
NihongoDO provides regular one-on-one meetings with exlusive consultants. They will check the progress of your study by having you actually shadow and speak various Japanese phrases. Coaching and changing of study plans will also be conducted by exlusive consultatns in order to improve your study plan efficiently.
Graduation Progress Check Once
A final progress check will be conducted at the time of NihongoDO's graduation. We will review your past studies and propose an appropriate study plan for how you should continue your Japanese language studies after graduation.
Japanese Language Test PROGOS Once a month
At NihongoDO, students take the PROGOS Japanese language test once a month in order to check the growth of their Japanese language skills from an objective perspective. We are able to provide you with the appropriate level of Japanese language study and Japanese conversation lessons by always having an accurate grasp of your Japanese language ability.

Now Offering 14 Days Free Campaign

Price list

Price list

  • monthly fee

    $1,199 /month

Choose the learning style that suits you best.
Online class or School in Japan

With NihongoDO, you are free to take online courses
Up until now, 55.9% have taken lessons only online.Don't worry, the results of those studies have been as high as those of commuting to school.

Experience Quality Learning.

Appy for Free Counseling.

Experts at NihongoDo will conduct interview regarding the concerns and goals of learning Japanese.
We'll suggest a study method that suits you.

NihongoDO provides Free Counseling with
98% satisfied.

Before considering NihongoDO, why don't you first get Free Counseling from a Japanese language acquisition specialist?

Please refer to the learning methods proposed by Japanese language acquisition experts for future Japanese language learning and Japanese language school selection.

If you really want to learn Japanese, please try NihongoDO's Free Counseling.

A Japanese language acquisition specialist will suggest the best way to achieve your goal.

※Results of questionnaire of 52 participants to be conducted in September 2021 Free Counseling
※Results of all schools operated by Trion using the same method as NihongoDO

※Results of questionnaire of 52 participants to be conducted in September 2021 Free Counseling
※Results of all schools operated by Trion using the same method as NihongoDO

  • Asking

    We will ask you about your concerns about learning Japanese, your goals for learning Japanese, and your current Japanese ability.

  • Explains learning methods

    Based on the theory of second language acquisition, we will explain the mechanism by which you can speak Japanese.

  • Propose a study plan

    We suggest the best study plan to meet your goals, challenges, and current Japanese language skills.

  • Introduction of learning materials

    Here are some of the Japanese language materials that NihongoDO mainly uses that suit you.

Flow until the start of the course

Free Counseling from NihongoDO is available online.
You can easily make a reservation in three steps.

Counseling Flow Step 1

01 Apply for Free Counseling

click here Please apply for a free Counseling first.


02 Join via link.

Please participate in counseling from the URL sent after booking the free counseling.


03 Conseling

A Japanese language acquisition specialist will put together the best study plan for you.Based on the plan, please consider whether to study at NihongoDO.